The heights achieved by great men were not achieved by sudden flight but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upwards in the night.
After successfully completing the academic session 2022-23, We are determined to move on towards the new session 2023-24. We are living in an era of a rapid scientific advancement that has brought enormous changes to the world at large. But I think, life is not the future only, it is our present which, without being asked for, will shape the future.
Our school’s mission is to always strive hard to attain the best result in education, through innovative and didactic practices and methods conforming to the global standards for gifting the nation a generation of achievers. I personally want that every student of our school has not only worldly knowledge but spiritual knowledge also. They should be aware of their responsibilities to their family and society. They should be able to distinguish between what is good and what is bad.
The Chief aim of Bal Vidya Niketan Sr. Sec. School is to make all-round development of its budding students. The school endeavours to provide a well dedicated teaching staff. Do bear in mind the golden words of H. W. Longfellow: “Lives of great men all remind us we can make our lives sublime, and, departing, leave behind us footprints on the sand of time.” At last, I am looking forward to your support & co- operation.
Mr. Mohan Sharma
BVN Sr. Sec. School, Khambi