It is a Matter of pleasure to inform all of you that Bvnitees has produced an amazing 10th class result again and thus continued their glory. Mr. Dheeraj S/o Sh Satish Kumar got 488 marks and secured 10th position in Haryana state as well as 1st position in Palwal district. Mr. Vaibhav S/o sh. Meghshyam and Mr Ramkumar S/o Sh. Mahender both scored 486 marks and secured 2nd position in Palwal district, Mr. Vikas S/o Sh. Netram scored 485 marks and got 3rd position in district, Mr. Nitin S/o Sh. Ayodhya Prasad got 482 marks and got 6th position in district while Mr. Durgesh with 481 marks, Mr. Govind with 480 marks got 7th and 8th position respectively. Out of 189 students 87 got their names in merit list. We are thankful to our dedicated staff members, diligent students, aware parents and all well wishers.