Mind Power seminar techniques. Sh. Satish Kumar Gupta Ji

Mind Power seminar A seminar was organised to make students aware about mind Power techniques. Sh. Satish Kumar Gupta(Mind Power trainer) explained the way to control mind, to control pain, to enhance concentration power etc. During this session, all students were stunned by mind Power activities like syringe penetration pain control, rigid body conversion, meditation […]
An amazing activity during mind Power seminar in B V N SR Sec School

An amazing activity during mind Power seminar in B V N SR Sec School. It depicts how strong this technique can make to a person.
A career counseling session was organised in our auditorium where a team from Apeejay Satya University visited our school

A career counseling session was organised in our auditorium where a team from Apeejay Satya University visited our school. Mr. Manoj (Lecturer in Apeejay Satya University) counselled our students about careers based on science stream. Mr. Neeraj(counseling and marketing incharge) explained about various opportunities based on commerce and Humanities. A number of alumni students also […]
Result of Session 2018-19

Award for innovative project Submission

A career counseling camp for class XII students of 2018-19.

Prize Distribution to Board Toppers

Bvnitees has produced an amazing 10th class result again and thus continued their glory

It is a Matter of pleasure to inform all of you that Bvnitees has produced an amazing 10th class result again and thus continued their glory. Mr. Dheeraj S/o Sh Satish Kumar got 488 marks and secured 10th position in Haryana state as well as 1st position in Palwal district. Mr. Vaibhav S/o sh. Meghshyam […]
It was an auspicious occasion when Mr Anderson and Mr Nitin Sharma visited our school

It was an auspicious occasion when Mr Anderson and Mr Nitin Sharma visited our school campus. Mr. Anderson is a schlor in USC Marshall school of Business Los Angeles California. He was also in US army and has directed some documentary movies. Mr. Nitin is also a schlor in same institution. He was a project […]
Huge celebration ????????????? 7 Bvnitees in top 10 of Palwal district.